Disposable Enema Bag kit.
What is an Enema?
An Enema is the flushing of the lower section of the colon with liquid, administered through the rectum.
The purpose of enema is to get rid of toxins from this section of the colon, to assist the body to release more naturally itself.
The use of enemas are gaining popularity because they work quickly, can be done in privacy and work in situations where dietary changes and the use of oral laxatives or supplements have not provided relief.
They are especially convenient to pack into your luggage and take with you when you go on holidays, as we often eat and drink things outside of our regular diet whilst on holidays, and are usually outside of our regular daily routine also.
Constipation can happen to anyone, anywhere. Enemas are a safe alternative treatment to remedy this, and can be used on children.
Many “liquids” can be used in an enema. the common ones include:
Plain enema – Uses just warm water.
Coffee enema_ Uses organic coffee in warm water. (Coffee when administered rectally is a gut stimulant)
Lemon juice enema – Uses lemon juice in warm water. (Lemon juice is a gut stimulant)
Garlic enema – Uses the water from 2 cloves of garlic boiled on the stove, then left to return to room temperature, the garlic cloves drained off and the water then used in the enema. These are particularly more effective when parasites are present.
Even powdered probiotics can be used in an enema. By just mixing as you would if taking orally, but inserting into the body via the rectum. As this is such a small amount of water, the entire mixture can be absorbed, rather than released into the toilet, like the other types of enemas. The probiotic will be absorbed and used by the body as it sees fit.
An enema requires a bag, hose with tap or clamp and lubricating gel. see instructions below just how easy they are to use, or ask your therapist to show/teach you how.
What is the difference between Colonic and Enema
The basic principle behind enemas and colonics is the same: both are methods used to flush waste from the colon via water introduced into the rectum. Both can be highly effective in stimulating the colon to eliminate putrefactive waste from the body. However, there are notable differences between the two.
During an Enema, a quantity of water, usually between 250ml to 2 litres, is taken into the body, where it travels approximately 10cm to 20 cm up the colon, and is typically held for up to 15 minutes, and then expelled. Although this procedure can be of a relatively short duration, retaining such a volume of water can be uncomfortable. Also, self-administering requires that the person doing the enema be mindful of all aspects of the procedure as it is carried out, which may make it difficult to feel relaxed.
Colonics tend to be more soothing, thorough, and less inconvenient. The mechanics of colonics involve filtered water which flows through a tube. This tube is attached to a disposable speculum. Once the speculum is gently inserted into the rectum, a second tube is attached which carries waste matter and water out of the body and directly into the sewage system. Water entering the body travels through the colon and exits into the waste tube in a continuous flow. In this way, water is able to travel farther into the colon.
This procedure holds several advantages over a simple enema. A Colonic is said to equal approximately 40 enemas at once. Because water flows continuously in and out of the body, a much greater quantity of water, between 10 and 50 litres, is flushed through the colon. This allows water to completely permeate the folds of the colon and to saturate the impacted waste throughout the entire length of the colon. Also, water filling the space within the colon exerts a slight pressure against the muscle tissue of the colon wall, stimulating muscle action which provides exercise for the colon, helping to tone and reshape a weakened colon. There is no mess and no odour as the water and waste are completely contained. Another advantage is that the Colon Therapist is responsible for administering the colonic, allowing the person receiving the treatment to remain relaxed and comfortable without concern for the mechanical aspects of the procedure.

- AN ENEMA CONTAINER – Enema bag. The bags are sold at our clinic.
- ORGANIC COFFEE – Organically grown coffee is best, Organic coffee is available at our clinic.
Two methods are available and the first is best.
- BOILING METHOD – Place 2 to 3 cups of purified water and two to three tablespoons of coffee in a saucepan and bring to a boil (or use a coffee maker). Let it boil 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and allow it to cool. One or two ice cubes may be added to speed the cooling process. You may make a larger quantity and use it for several enemas. Wait until the water is comfortable to the touch. If the water is too hot or too cold, retaining the enema will be more difficult. Strain the liquid through a fine strainer or coffee filter paper into a clean enema bag. Screw on the top of the enema bag. The enema is now ready.
- NON-BOILING METHOD – Place 1 cup of ground coffee in a container with 2 cups of water. Stir the mixture thoroughly and allow it to soak overnight. (You may make a larger quantity if desired). In the morning, filter the liquid through coffee filter paper or a fine strainer. Place in a jar for storage in the refrigerator. To prepare an enema, pour 2 cups of purified water into the enema bag. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of the coffee liquid from the jar.
- PREPARE CONTAINER HOSES – Be sure the plastic hose is pushed or fastened well onto the enema bag and the thin enema tip is attached to the other end
- REMOVE AIR – Remove any air from the enema tube the following way. Grasp but do not close the clamp on the hose. Place the tip in the sink. Hold up the enema bag above the tip until the water begins to flow out. Then close the clamp. This expels any air in the tube.
- LUBRICATE – Lubricate the enema tip with a small amount of soap or oil. We like to use castor oil or coconut oil. (Too much lubrication will cause the tip to fall out of the rectum, creating a mess!).
- POSITION – The position preferred by most people is lying on one’s back on a towel, on the bathroom floor or in the bath tub. An alternative is sitting on the toilet, which does not give as much gravity feed.
- PLACE CONTAINER ABOVE – With the clamp closed, hang the bag about one foot above your abdomen.
- INSERT – Insert the tip gently and slowly. Move it around until it goes all the way in.
- OPEN FLOW – Open the clamp and hold the enema bag about one foot above the abdomen. The water may take a few seconds to begin flowing. If the water does not flow, you may gently squeeze the bag. If you develop a cramp, close the hose clamp, turn from side to side and take a few deep breaths. The cramp will usually pass quickly.
- WHEN FULL -When all the liquid is inside, the bag will become flat or the container will be empty. Close the clamp. You can leave the tube inserted, or remove it slowly.
- RETAIN THE ENEMA FOR 15 MINUTES – See below if you have difficulties with this. You may remain lying on the floor. Use the time to read a book, meditate, etc. Some people are able to get up and go lie on a towel in bed, instead of on the floor. Walking around the house with the coffee inside is not recommended.
After 15 minutes or so, go to the toilet and empty out the water. It is okay if some water remains inside. If water remains inside often, you are dehydrated.
- WASH EQUIPMENT – Wash the enema bag or container and tube thoroughly. (using tea tree oil or food grade peroxide to leave in the bag upon finishing and drain before next use)
- AFTER BOWEL MOVEMENT – if possible, do the enema after a bowel movement to make it easier to retain the coffee. If this is not possible, take a plain water enema first if needed, to clean out the colon.
- DEALING WITH GAS – If intestinal gas is a problem, some exercise before the enema may eliminate the gas.
- FILLING UP – It is not essential but is helpful if the water fills the entire colon. You can assist by first lying on your right side for 5 minutes, then on your back for 5 minutes, and then on your left side for 5 minutes.
- MASSAGE – If water will not flow around the entire colon, you may gently massage your abdomen.
- LONGER TUBE – Some people attach a 30-inch colon tube to the tip of the enema tube, and insert the tube so the water will reach the right side of the colon.
- REDUCE AMOUNT OF COFFEE – If the enema makes you jittery, reduce the amount of coffee.
- EAT SOMETHING BEFORE – The enema may lower your blood sugar. If so, eat something just before or after taking the enema.
- PATIENCE – Be patient as practice makes perfect.
- TEMPERATURE – The water may be too hot or too cold. Be sure the water temperature is comfortable.
- STAY COMFORTABLE – It may help to place a small pillow or rolled up towel under your buttocks so the water flows downhill into your colon.
- ADDING MOLASSES – If trouble continues, try reducing the amount of coffee or add 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses to the water.
Coffee contains choleretics, substances that increase the flow of toxin-rich bile from the gallbladder. The coffee enema may be among the only pharmaceutically effective choleretics noted in the medical literature that can be safely used many times daily without toxic effects.
Max Gerson, M.D. founder of the Gerson Institute and Gerson Diet Therapy, recognized that coffee enema is effective in stimulating a complex enzyme system. The increased activity of these enzymes ensures that free-radical activity is greatly diminished and that carcinogens are blocked. While free-radicals are normal products of metabolism, uncontrolled free-radical production plays a major role in the development of degenerative disease including cancer, heart disease and aging involved in liver detoxification (called the glutathione-S-transferase enzyme system). The activity of the glutiathione enzyme system is increased by at least 600% above normal.
Caffeine also stimulates dilation of blood vessels and relaxation of smooth muscle, which further increases bile flow; this effect does not happen when the coffee is consumed orally.

Learn More About a Colon Cleanse Enema
If you are struggling with constipation, a colon cleanse enema is perfect for you. Constipation occurs when the colon is unable to remove toxic waste from the body through the rectum. It is not uncommon. Constipation can occur if you’re not eating enough fibre, drinking enough water, or if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. This causes the body to store toxic waste in the colon. Unbalanced gut flora can also cause constipation.
If you’ve checked your diet and exercise routine and that’s not the cause of your constipation, a doctor might prescribe a laxative for you. If you’ve already tried that, our qualified team of professionals will gladly assist you in getting rid of your constipation. The main purpose of a cleansing enema is to flush the colon from toxic waste gently. Constipation is not the only issue you’ll have when your colon is not operating optimally; you’ll start feeling fatigued, getting headaches, and even backaches. An enema should stimulate the bowels to expel the faecal matter and offer some relief.
Benefits of a Coffee Enema in Brisbane North, Moreton Bay Region and Sunshine coast
An organic coffee enema is a mixture of brewed organic coffee and water, inserted into the colon through the rectum, using an enema bag kit. These enemas are found to produce glutathione, which is a detoxifying antioxidant. You can do this at home, or on holidays and are safe to use on children. For many people, this will have an immediate effect, providing you with a bowel movement helping to purge the lower colon.
- Can offer relief by cleansing the lower bowel as coffee when administered rectally is a bowel stimulant.
- Can assist the body to release naturally
- Is portable, as is just the enema bag kit, organic coffee and up to 2 litres of warm water
- Easy to do yourself
- Can be done at home or on holidays
- Is safe for use on children